Red Letter Series – When the Good News Doesn’t Sound so Good

Red Letter Series – When the Good News Doesn’t Sound so Good

Passage: Luke 12: 49-53; Hebrews 12: 29
Service Type:
  1. We always like to have a good view of Jesus: The Healing Jesus, The Forgiving Jesus; Bringing Joy to the Earth Jesus
  2. But another side to the Character of Jesus, which reveals the purpose of Jesus: Jesus tells us that following Him may lead you to division from some people.  It's getting harder to stand for truth in this day and age. Standing for the truth causes us to become unpopular.
  3. As soon as Jesus started preaching many did not like His Word, causing division in society. Some worshipped Him, others wanted to kill Him. the same as today. Even families would be divided.
  4. Those who reject His words will find His words as a fire of judgement. Those who accept His words will find that fire as a refining fire, changing them and empowering them, allowing them to make the choices they have to make for Jesus and taking them into eternity.
  5. Sometimes obeying His words brings us hardships.
  6. As John the Baptist said that Jesus will be baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
  7. Here's the Good News: He came, The Kingdom of God is here, He provides Salvation to all who believe.
  8. It's His will that NONE should perish. We who believe are sons of God, and in the end we win and have eternal life with Jesus. But sometimes in this life some choices will bring hurt.
  9. We will eventually have abundant joy!

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