Being the Church – Being Devoted to Christ
The Lord is calling us (GCC) to put Him first, to keep our eyes on Jesus. Our single choice in life must be to live for Christ.
How Devotion is defined: We can do lip service (saying we love Him) but we must prove it. Like saying we love our children, but never touch them, help them, etc., they won’t understand what love is.
We often think of church just as a building, not understanding the bigger definition of church. What is church to us – family, the bride of Christ, the body of Christ. We need each other, inspire each other, help each other. No one should be lonely in the body of Christ. We need to talk to one another.
Every church should have a vision. So that the world can take Jesus seriously, the Church must. Why many don’t go to church is because they don’t take Christ seriously, it’s just a religion. But we should be full of the Holy Spirit fire. We need to be devoted to Jesus. We see the early church in Acts.
Malachi and Matthew – the difference between Old Testament and New, is that in the Old the Holy Spirit came upon peopl, but after Pentecost the Holy Spirit came into people.