We have been talking about God's Glory, He alone deserves all the Glory, since He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. As we accept Jesus into our hearts, following Him and we…
We remember the famous scene when a multitude of Angels made an announcement to the shepherds "Glory to God in the Highest and peace to men" which begins the Christmas…
The Gospel of John is known as the Gospel of the 7 Signs. The 7th sign performed by Jesus was the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead, showing us even…
The healing of the man born blind started in John Chapter 9 but we are now reading from Chapter 10. The Jews had decided that if someone was born blind…
In the book of John, we see many introductions to Jesus - the Good Shepherd, the Door, the Water (not just tap water but the water of Life through the…
Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath. The Pharisees are angry about this. The man should not carry his mat on the Sabbath. Three Points: Jesus is in Jerusalem again,…
We need to build on eternal things. But we often find excuses. Let's think about heaven. The real essence is how does heaven produce all the good things. To receive…
John was the youngest of the Apostles and lived the longest. He was also the closest to Jesus. John and James were called the sons of thunder. John walked very…
The Word was God and took flesh and dwelled among us. This is the most basic of Christian doctrine but is not simple. Jesus Christ is fully God and fully…