The Church is a Body
Today we’ll talk about the Church as a Body. These words come from the Scriptures. They paint particular pictures. According to 1 Cor 12: 27 “YOU are the Body of Christ”. This is not for someone else but for YOU. We often leave things to others to do, e.g., I need healing, so you pray for me. Each one of US is a part of this Body. So you have to participate.
So I am a part of the Body and not the center of all things.
A few points: First when the Scriptures refer to a body, we are a Body and not a Business. The Church does have to do some business things, like paying the rent, organize functions, etc.
Second, we are an organism, not an organization. What’s the difference between the 2? An organism has breath in its lungs, it is alive, it grows, it develops, it changes. People often want Church to always remain the same.