Red Letter Series – Nicodemus meets Jesus

Red Letter Series – Nicodemus meets Jesus

Passage: John 3: 3, 5-8
Service Type:

John was the youngest of the Apostles and lived the longest. He was also the closest to Jesus.
John and James were called the sons of thunder. John walked very close to Jesus. All his life he reflected on who Jesus was. He goes deep in his writing, calling Jesus “The Word” who was always there, God Himself.
John saw the significance of what Jesus did on the cross in his gospel.
Verily, Verily I tell you, you cannot see the kingdom of God unless you are born again or born from above.
Nicodemus was a Pharisee and an important man in the society of the Jews.  The Pharisees were Jesus’ worst enemies.
Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night, risking his reputation, if he is seen with Jesus.
He saw that Jesus was from God – he had seen something. He wasn’t sure what that was, but he wanted to find out.
To be born again there must first be a death. We will have problems if we live the way of the world, once we are born again.
To be born again – born of water and the Spirit. Water cleanses the sins. The Spirit gives us Life.
We live a life in the Spirit, which takes us where He wants us to go.
Jesus wants us to become like little children. Sometimes we need to unlearn old things and learn new things.
Jesus calls us to a life of repentance, meaning to turn around and go towards Jesus.
We need to decide what we do with Jesus. Will we just follow a few instructions or are we ready to die to our old selves and to rise again. Are we prepared to leave the crowd, even if the crowd is a good one, to follow Jesus.
We need to search for Jesus. He is not hard to find, He is always there.

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