In this pericope, we see Jesus meeting 2 different people. The Religious Pharisee and this woman who lived a sinful life. This woman had the courage to come to this…
Difference between being tempted and being tested, because cause God does not tempt us but does allow us to be tested. Temptation is what entices us to sin. Testing is…
If we want to be like Jesus we need to be desirous to learn how He overcame temptation. We are often tempted when we face difficulties, or when we're in…
Repent and be Baptized. Don't wait, now is the time to say that I will follow Jesus. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be in us and with us all…
Today on Pentecost we love the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Miracles and all other things He gives to us. The Holy Spirit is our primary Teacher. He also warns…
Do not be Deceived! The Time is not yet - it is still to come. National wars, earthquakes and famines are the beginning of birthpains. You must be on your…
The Sadducees and Pharisees were arguing about whether there would be a resurrection. They tried to pull Jesus into the discussion - Obviously said that there definitely would be a…
Hear Oh Israel, The Lord our God is One - Shema
It all hangs on the historical fact that Jesus Died but Rose again from the dead. This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has…