Do Church – Core Principles of Local Church Participation - Tithing and Giving I wrote a sermon on Friday and I tore it up. I wrote another one yesterday…
Do Church – Committed to Worship God As a Church GCC is committed to Worship. Worship is a big word. It begins on the inside, that becomes expressions in acts…
Do Church – Serving People on the Margins In the slide showing we see the main text, and someone has scribbled a lot of notes. If we take the Bible,…
Do Church - Devoted to Service God has given us life and His great mercy. We must be joyful about this – we have Jesus’ life inside of us. We…
The message today will be different than the usual Easter Message. I believe it is a powerful word for the world in which we live today. Jesus lives in us…
Humble service uses the Gifts of God, it glorifies God.
Easter Thursday - The First Passover – the Last Communion.
Because He lives we are in constant communication with Him.
Important to always remember that the Word is what builds us up and strengthens us. The subject of our services for a while now has been "Don't Just simply go…