Today on Pentecost we love the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Miracles and all other things He gives to us. The Holy Spirit is our primary Teacher. He also warns…
Do not be Deceived! The Time is not yet - it is still to come. National wars, earthquakes and famines are the beginning of birthpains. You must be on your…
It all hangs on the historical fact that Jesus Died but Rose again from the dead. This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has…
Holy Wednesday - Μεγάλη Τεράρτη The Anointing of Jesus - Το Χρίσμα με Μύρο Matthew 26:6-13, Mατθαίος 26:6-13 Morning Prayer: Father God, as the woman in Bethany anointe3d Jesus with perfume,…
Rest is an active undertaking Biblical rest is related to serving Our "Workmanship" is Holy Spirit Empowered
Lord let us see people as sheep without a shepherd, the way You, Jesus, see them. Lord shape our hearts to have compassion. The Harvest is plentiful. Every person has…
Authority precedes Power Jesus has authority and power over illness and disease Jesus has authority and power over the natural realm (23-27) Jesus and only Jesus has ultimate authority and…