Our Mission and Values
The Glyfada Christian Center purposes to be a community of worshippers displaying
- Devotion to Christ
- Humble Service
- Holiness of Heart
- Unceasing Prayer
- Love for God’s Word
To fulfill its vision, the Glyfada Christian Center embraces the purposes of Christ for His Church as related in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to worship, grow and serve.
The Glyfada Christian Center is committed to encourage believers to worship, grow and serve.
Worship – “Love the Lord your God.”
The relevant core values are passionate spirituality and inspiring worship.
These are expressed through life-oriented preaching, testimonials and an inspired worship team and activities.
These are expressed through life-oriented preaching, testimonials and an inspired worship team and activities.
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Membership – “Baptize them.”
The relevant core values are loving relationships and functional structures for ministry.
These are expressed through fellowship and hospitality times at the church, deacon(ness) ministries, various group activities, CARE groups, membership classes and the involvement of all willing participants in training, development and implementation of ministries.
These are expressed through fellowship and hospitality times at the church, deacon(ness) ministries, various group activities, CARE groups, membership classes and the involvement of all willing participants in training, development and implementation of ministries.
Discipleship – “Teach them to obey.”
The relevant core values are holistic small groups, empowering leadership and commitment to training.
These are expressed through the CARE groups, leadership training and development, mentoring opportunities and vibrant Bible study programs, including Vision International University.
These are expressed through the CARE groups, leadership training and development, mentoring opportunities and vibrant Bible study programs, including Vision International University.
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Ministry – “Love your neighbor.”
The relevant core value is gift-oriented worship and ministry.
This is expressed through the encouraging and development of gift-oriented placements in the ministries of the church at all levels.
This is expressed through the encouraging and development of gift-oriented placements in the ministries of the church at all levels.
Evangelism – “Go and make disciples.”
The relevant core values are need-oriented and relational evangelism.
This is expressed through need-based educational activities, compassion ministries (food, clothing and care) and various other outreaches, including through the CARE groups.
This is expressed through need-based educational activities, compassion ministries (food, clothing and care) and various other outreaches, including through the CARE groups.
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