The Holy Spirit Speaks

The Holy Spirit Speaks

Passage: Acts 2:1-4; Acts 2: 8; 1 Samuel 3; John 14:26; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 12; John 16:8; Acts 4:31; John 16:14; John 14:26; Revelation 22:17
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Eva-Lena Main Message
1. Maybe that was a bit of an abrupt transition. But at the same time, it is just so special to be able to stand here and to experience God’s presence so closely. As you know, we have been speaking about the Holy Spirit and the different aspects to His personality. Today we’re going to talk about that the ‘Holy Spirit Speaks.’ And that very fact that He speaks, shows us that He’s not ‘A Force’, He’s not ‘A Feeling’, He’s not an ‘Atmosphere’, He is a ‘Person.’ And if we look through the history of the Bible, we will see that God has always been speaking to His people, from that very moment that He created the world.
2. Maybe you remember the story, in the beginning, where it says, “God said, let Us create mankind in our image.” I asked some of my friends yesterday, ‘why did God create human beings?’ And he said, ‘He wanted to extend His family.’ And I thought that was a very good way to put it. That love that was in the Godhead, they wanted to share it, and They created man. Already, in the beginning, we can see that God cared enormously about Adam. He prepared a place for him, where could all his needs being met, and He spoke with Adam.
3. There is a little verse in Genesis 3, where it talks about, “God walked in the cool of day, He walked in the garden, and He was looking for Adam,” and I can imagine, that they did this quite often; they walked in the garden and they talked. This was the whole idea when God created man, He wanted to have a relationship.
4. If we keep on looking through the Old Testament, we see that things changed in the relationship between God and man. And you know, that intimate relationship that God had with Adam, it changed when he failed, when he was disobedient. God continued to speak to Adam, but if was different. It was like there had been a new distance, coming in between them.
5. If we continue to read through the Old Testament, we see that there were many people with whom God continued to have that relationship. We can read about Adam, about Abraham, about Moses, and God had that relationship with them, where He spoke to them. But there were many people out there, who did not have that relationship with God.
6. As time progressed, we see that it continued to deteriorate, and the people became more and more distant to God. But God still wanted so much to speak to His people, and He started to speak through prophets and priests who were working in the temple. But it was only those people who He spoke to. All those other people out there, they didn’t have this relationship.
7. But this is not what God wanted. So, He started to talk through the prophets to the people and say, “Somebody else is coming. The Messiah is coming. He will save you.” And then we know; in the New Testament, we know He came. God Himself came down to earth.
8. God may have thought, ‘I tried to speak through the prophets, and through others, to human kind, but nothing happened. You never did understand who I was and that I wanted to have a relationship with you. So, I decided to show you, and that is why Jesus Christ came, to show people who God is, and what is Kingdom is.
9. They could see how Jesus lived, how He fed the poor and the hungry, how He spent time with those that nobody else would spend time with, those who had various sicknesses, those who were collaborating with the occupying forces, the sinners. Jesus found time to spend with them. And He told them stories, you know parables that He explained who God was. All this was because He wanted them to understand who He was and what kind of relationship He wanted to have with them, to bring them to the original relationship He had with Adam.
10. The only problem was that Jesus had limited Himself to His physical body. The people with whom He spoke with were His disciples, and sometimes the crowds who came to listen to Him. But there were so many people out there in the Roman empire that never got to hear anything from Him. But again, it was the time of change.
11. Jesus started to prepare His disciples, that Someone else is coming, another helper. And we remember the time when Jesus was getting ready to go back to heaven, He told His disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait there. And they did. They waited in that room and they were praying, and I’m not really sure that they knew who they were waiting for. Was somebody come to knock on the door and say, ‘Hello, I’m your helper.’ Or in what way who this happen?
12. If we read from the book of Acts 2:1-4, it says the following, “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
13. The interesting thing is that the Holy Spirit started by teaching them to speak in foreign tongues. At that time, when this happened, there was a very big festival, a Jewish holiday going on and lots of people were there from many countries, and the disciples who had been filled with the Holy Spirit, and they went out there to speak in all those languages. They could be thinking that God had been thinking that finally, I can speak to all the rest in their languages. And you know what the change was, it was not only…
I’m sorry but I cannot hear the English.

Pastor Brian
1. We thank our sister Eva-Lena. The Lord speaks. And it is the job of the Holy Spirit to bring that voice to us. Every week we are encouraging you. I don’t know what you have to do to draw closer to the Holy Spirit. I personally don’t think that there’s a lot that we have to do, a lot more we will just need to allow, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as He grows near to you. I say this a lot to myself and I say this to a lot of other people.
2. There’s a simple discipline that we can learn in our lives. Before we make decisions, stop, just for a moment and pray. Holy Spirit, what would be appropriate? Holy Spirit, would You give me wisdom? Holy Spirit, can you guide me, and cut out all those other voices.
3. Before I respond to somebody, take a quick breath. I dare you, don’t even count to a number. Just stop and say, Holy Spirit, and just see what happens. And I find that the moment I invite Him in like that, it usually challenges my spirit very quickly. If I’m going to do something I know I should not probably do, just take a two second break, Holy Spirit, and I challenge you, if it won’t change your decision.
4. What Eva-Lena said, that I believe is true, the voice of the enemy is often easier to discern, because at some point in the process, he will introduce something false, or damaging. But also, just to remember he does come an angel of light, and remember the definition of deceit, what does it mean to be deceived, it usually means I heard this much truth (a lot), and this much lie (a little), and I believed the lie. But the Holy Spirit checks us. I’m not trying to re preach the sermon. But I feel that these things, need to be placed in the correct place. Let’s become Spirit led people led people. Please stand.
5. Lord, there’s a blessing that I believe You would leave with us Your people. And that we go from here knowing that we have heard from You. And as we said at the beginning of the service, at some point Your Word has occupied our heart. You know that each one of us needs to leave here with today. You know it better than we know about each other. You know it better than we know about ourselves. Challenge us and change us through the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. Speak and help us to hear. Help us Lord, to put into practice in our lives that which we have heard today.
6. So, now Holy Spirit, we give You that space, to speak to us. Ang God’s people pray this together. In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen. Go in the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, because just as He is here with you, He is with you out there. God bless you.

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