The Church is a Flock
We are talking about simple concepts, we don’t go to church, we ARE the CHURCH. Bring people along to come to church. We are grateful to have this place where we can gather together. The mail reason why we are here is so that we can celebrate Him, celebrate each other and go out and be the CHURCH.
We are looking at the fundamental scriptural things about being a church – Worship, Word, Fellowship, pray together, give. Then we see what the Bible says the Church is this or is like this – a Fellowship, a Body a living organism, but the Bible also describes the Church as a Flock of sheep. The description of a Flock is the favorite description that Jesus uses.
Because we are a Flock, we are cared for by a shepherd. The word used for such shepherds is the term “Pastor”. There are 3 different terms the NT uses to describe Church Leaders – Pastor, Elder, Bishop, which all describe “Oversite”. Christians often get into trouble thinking that they can shepherd themselves.
In Leadership training we say that every Pastor should have a Pastor. We are ALL sheep and sheep are famously dumb and they sometimes bite. When Jesus looked at Peter and asked him, “Do you love me? Feed my sheep”. The words describing leaders refer to the fact that we all need oversight.
Peter pulls all the concepts of overseer together in his first epistle chapter 5. This is how we mature by listening to the leaders speak the word in sermons and other ways. We mature by hearing and then doing.
The term flock is important here, because you cannot do this on your own. There is no Flock of just one. Why does God use the picture of togetherness, the picture of a flock? When sheep move they all move together. When a sheep finds itself alone it’s always in trouble. So we keep sheep together for protection. David fought off lion and bear to protect his flock.
Jesus uses the parable to say that the shepherd leaves the flock to find the one sheep that’s alone and in trouble. A sheep really needs protection especially when it is wounded. Sometimes it’s our number one reason for rejecting each other is when we are wounded. We reject the flock because we got hurt by something or someone. Also, form farming experience, we never leave a sheep alone to give birth. Because the sheep alone is weakened and the young are in trouble due to beasts out their who would prey on them.
The Bible says to us that there is one wondering around like a roaring lion. So if you’re out there alone, you are likely to be devoured. And if we give birth to someone i.e. lead someone to Christ, evangelism must be connected to Church. If left alone, they are in danger of being eaten even before they begin their lives. When things get tough, the sheep find each other to keep warm, comfort. Another reason to remain in the flock is growth or prosperity (not necessarily money), but enjoying life in abundance.
Too many of us try to feed ourselves, when Jesus says that we should be a flock together. If the Lord brought you here to this flock, you are not going to be able to leave, unless the Great Shepherd, the Lord, opens the gate.