Red Letter Series – Your faith has Saved you – Go in Peace
In this pericope, we see Jesus meeting 2 different people. The Religious Pharisee and this woman who lived a sinful life.
This woman had the courage to come to this party, even though it was scandalous to come there.
She brought an alabaster jar filled with perfume, probably the most valuable thing she owned.
Crying uncontrollably, she anointed Jesus’ feet with the perfume. Jesus instead of condemning her he was gracious towards her. This is what changed her forever.
Simon, the host, a religious man, when he saw the woman he despised her and expected Jesus to do the same.
Through the parable that Jesus told, the point is that the more you are forgiven the more you love.
Both Simon and the woman were sinners, maybe to a differing degree. The difference was that Simon did not recognize his sin whereas the woman did.
Even though the woman seemed to embarrass herself in front of everybody by kissing Jesus’ feet, He did not send her away, as some others would have done. She gave all that she had, her heart, her tears, her hair.
We should be the same we should also give our all to Jesus, always kissing His feet. We should catch some of the spirit of that woman. we don’t need to be great sinners, but we need to be aware of our sins.
How can we do the sane as the woman did for Jesus today? We can kiss His feet by loving him, worshipping Him.
What we do for Jesus, what we do for the least of people in society is like kissing His feet.
Ask yourself “how can I be like this woman”?
One way to do that is to take Holy Communion, remembering what Jesus did for us and what this woman did.