Red Letter Series – The Glory of God
We remember the famous scene when a multitude of Angels made an announcement to the shepherds “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to men” which begins the Christmas story. God in the form of man entered our world. The Son of God and the Son of Man, something we don’t fully comprehend. He came to reconcile to God those men who are separated from God. God glorifies Himself in this way, by Jesus being crucified and resurrected.
God has glorified Himself in many ways previously, but now Jesus says I have glorified You and will glorify You again.
What is the deepest reason that we live. The Word tells us that it is to glorify Him, so that He would enjoy us, and we would enjoy ourselves.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His Glory, full of Grace and Truth. God is fully self-sufficient and needs no one, but He overflows Himself to bring Grace and Truth to us.
We refer now to satan, the ruler of this world currently.
God glorifies Himself by casting out satan. How was this accomplished? Ephesians 6 tells us how to protect ourselves from satan (the full armour of God). Jesus in John 14 says that satan has come against Him, so He will go to the cross to do the Father’s will. In John 16, Jesus says that satan has been judged. Here’s the good news, that even though satan is still active in this world, he was judged and cast out and received his decisive defeat at the cross, not yet his final defeat. Because Jesus was obedient unto death, He did not sin, so He could take our sins upon Himself at the cross. Before the cross we condemned of our sins and were damned, but Jesus took that weapon away from satan at the cross. All those who accept Jesus’ work on the cross, satan can never again stand before God and accuse them of their sin.
God glorifies Himself by shining as the Light of the world, through the lives of those who believe. Will you trust Jesus for all of this? Will you welcome it and treasure it?
Can we say: I believe that my judgement is over; I have passed from death to life; I believe satan has no claim on me; I believe that Christ has purchased me by His blood; I am not my own – I belong to Him. You now share the Light with Him. Glorify His name in all the earth!