Red Letter Series – Seek the Holy Spirit every day
The Red Letters of Jesus in the Bible are lessons of Life for us Christians, forever, even as things change.
We need to continue to knock and ask from God, and He will give us the best gift which is the Holy Spirit.
Do not get drunk on wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be filled with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
We know that God knows all things, but we still need to ask Him fro what we need having the assurance that He will give us our hearts desire.
We expect an answer from Him, for Him to give us the Holy Spirit. To those who seek, God will give.
This is not just a choice of ours, but a commandment from God for our whole lives.
To have a victorious life we need the Holy Spirit, not just our own effort.
By dying Jesus was victorious, and He wants us to also be victorious.
God gives only good things to us, to have the strength to live victoriously in this life.
In this way all people can see who is our Father.
God wants to give us the strength to worship Him. May we always have a smile on our faces.
The first Church turned the whole world upside down, filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
Let us also ask for this power today. We need the person of the Holy Spirit, not only with us but in us as well.