Red Letter Series – Love your God, neighbor and enemy
The Sadducees and Pharisees were arguing about whether there would be a resurrection.
They tried to pull Jesus into the discussion – Obviously said that there definitely would be a resurrection.
Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment (Love your God, and Love your Neighbor – He answered).
He repeated the Shema (There is only one true God).
We need to understand that we will never know ourselves without knowing and loving God.
God is Love – He loved us first – He gave His Son for us. Let’s respond to this.
After His resurrection Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loves Jesus – of course Peter said yes.
Jesus’ answer was that Peter should “feed my Lambs and sheep”.
Loving God is greater than any sacrifice or offering.
If we love Him we will obey Him.
If we find it difficult to forgive, we need to repent from that, we need to be set free. Love and forgive, because He loved us first.