Red Letter Series – If you thirst, Come to Me and Drink

Red Letter Series – If you thirst, Come to Me and Drink

Passage: John 7: 37-39
Service Type:

In those days during the feast of Tabernacles, where the Israelites lived in tents during their journey in the Exodus from Egypt.  Jesus went to Jerusalem secretly initially. The people put up tents in the squares or in the streets in remembrance of how God had provided bread and water in the Desert.
Jesus would have participated in the feast with His disciples. This is the last and greatest day of the feast remembering how the walls of Jericho fell. This day Jesus was no longer in secret, He shouted asking if anybody is thirsty let him come to Me and Drink, Me the source. He didn’t call upon only His friends, it was an open invitation to all.
Water is very important to people. We can live only about 3 days without water. Here Jesus says, anybody whoever thirsts, come to Him and drink. God desires that we want to drink from the source, water that is fresh.
In this world we often run around looking for something, but the desire is satisfied only by going to source where your soul can be satisfied.  This clean water that comes from Jesus who is the source is new every morning.
Go wants to fill us with this water, peace and tranquility. I paid for each and every one of us with My very life, so that rivers of water may come out from you. We are the rivers of God.
God wants us to also be rivers of running waters. When we are attached to Jesus, we cannot but give life to others who thirst.
During the journey of the Israelites in the desert, Jesus was the rock from which they drank water.
Today the water that satisfies is the Holy Spirit, who is the paraclete, the helper, the teacher.
Our desire should be that we are so close to the source that we may look like trees planted by rivers of living water.
We want to be able to satisfy the thirst of anybody and everybody who seeks.

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