Red Letter Series – Healing a Man Born Blind
The healing of the man born blind started in John Chapter 9 but we are now reading from Chapter 10. The Jews had decided that if someone was born blind it was due to sin, either their parent’s or theirs. The healing of a man BORN blind was a sign of the Messiah. Because they didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah, they adamantly stated that the man was not Born blind, even asking his parents.
Jesus told the man that He had come to make the blind see and set the captives free. Because the Pharisees claimed they weren’t blind, Jesus says that they are guilty.
When Jesus addressed the Pharisees, we think He spoke about them only. They had studied the Scriptures and were teaching others.
Jesus then talks about sheep that only follow their own shepherd. He’s talking to the Jews, saying that there are people who are trying to take them away from the truth. They added a whole lot of extra laws, thus making Jesus out to be breaking the laws of God.
Jesus says that He did not come to abolish THE LAW, but to fulfil it. Jesus says, “I AM the way, the Truth and the Life”. The only way to the Father is through Him. This is not only about Salvation, but it tells us that the only authority is Jesus, not our favorite teacher or preacher.
Our intimacy of our relationship to the truth, Jesus, should be unadulterated by any other source.
We should ask for forgiveness if we followed the wrong voice.
Jesus, we live for You alone. He knows His sheep and His sheep know who He is. Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Righteous One, King of Kings.
Does the Good Shepherd know you; do you know the Good Shepherd?