Red Letter Series – Freedom in Jesus
In the book of John, we see many introductions to Jesus – the Good Shepherd, the Door, the Water (not just tap water but the water of Life through the Holy Spirit).
Remember God still speaks today! He’s the God of the present and he is here right now.
John chapter 8 begins with conflict. In Jesus’ 3 1/2 years of preaching there was sometimes conflict in His message. It was never told to us that when we become Christians, life will be easy, but be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world. Here on earth Jesus met a lot of opposition and was finally crucified, but He conquered all by being resurrected from the dead.
In the passage it says that many believed in Him, and He says to the Jews ‘if you remain in Me you will be My disciples, you will know the truth and this truth will set you free’. Here because He was talking to the Jews who thought that they were not in bondage to anything. Even today, if we don’t continue to obey Him, we remain in bondage.
The disciples having lived so close to their rabbi, they learned from Him and become like Him.
The world is becoming crazier and crazier by the day, but we will continue with Jesus who will hold us and take us through all situations.
If we continue to obey His commandments, we will see a place where there is no more darkness. Jesus has promised this to us, and He never lies because He is Truth.
The world continuously tells us to live a lifestyle which is contrary to the truth of Jesus.
The Jews were adamant that they were not in bondage, they were sons of Abraham, even though they were in bondage to the Romans at that time.
Jesus says that if they remain in Him they will be free. He is removing the line between Jew and Gentile (many believed in Him meaning both Jews and Gentiles). Sin keeps us in bondage. When we sin, we call upon Him and we are free again. Freedom, however, has a cost. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross. Every day we must say that we will walk with Jesus, the truth will set us free. The real truth, is the Son of God. who is able to keep us free.
Spend time with Him so that you can have all the riches of Heaven. Jesus wants to help us grow, so that we become free.
As in Hebrews 11 says that people died in faith as pilgrims in this world. There is a better country than this one – Heaven. People suffered then and are still suffering now for the sake of Jesus. But Jesus is saying that He is creating a new heaven and a new earth. We may lose many things here on earth, but Heaven will be worth it all.
Jesus is the Prince of peace, a peace that is not of this world, so do not be fearful and anxious.