Red Letter Series – Do I want to get well
Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath. The Pharisees are angry about this. The man should not carry his mat on the Sabbath.
Three Points:
Jesus is in Jerusalem again, and He makes it a point to go to a pool where the sick were, waiting for the waters to be stirred so that the first one in would be healed.
There was a multitude of people amongst the colonnades in the area. Jesus hid amongst these people. We see what kind of man Jesus is. Jesus knew who had been there for a long time and asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man answered that he couldn’t get into the pool quickly enough. Jesus says, “Take up your mat and go”. This was on the Sabbath which was forbidden.
John is trying to tell us a few things:
Jesus knows us intimately and no one else on earth does. When you pray about something He already knows about it. Prayer moves US towards God. The more you know about Jesus, the more precious He becomes to us.
We see Jesus’ compassion. He goes to the pool. He didn’t just happen to be there. Jesus always moves towards broken sinners, always asking if “you want to be healed”. This healing doesn’t depend on the religiosity or faith of the person. He healed the person because he had been sick for a long time. Jesus was often moved with compassion for the sick.
We see Jesus’ power which is immediate. The man was instantly healed. Sometimes we accept the situation. Sometimes even if we have been in this situation for 38 years, then we must say yes to the question of wanting to be healed.
Jesus is still all powerful. He can heal today. Stop telling him that you can’t get into the water fast enough. Just say yes, I want to be healed.
Leave this room today and live in fellowship with the real living Jesus we should know.
There is a lesson in the fact that this occurred on the Sabbath. When God rested after creation, it was to see how good creation was. The Sabbath is for us to worship Him for the fact that He is good.
Come to Me, Jesus says, and I will heal you.
Holy Spirit, You are here today in Your power, to heal the sick of any kind.