Red Letter Series – Choose Life – Devotional
Difference between being tempted and being tested, because cause God does not tempt us but does allow us to be tested.
Temptation is what entices us to sin. Testing is God trusting us to make the right choice.
God presented the people with a choice and He says I have put it in front of you, so choose life.
Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life, and He will bless you abundantly.
God gave them, just as He does with us, full disclosure.
He gave them the choice, He gave them the answers and the reasons for that answer.
All they had to do was make the right choice.
This is what testing is all about. The testing is not for God to see how you will react, but for you yourself to see how you react.
God has given us instructions on everything to live a sanctified life.
He now entrusts us to choose wisely.
Knowing God intimately is the key to all this, in order to be strong in the Holy Spirit, when making the choices of life set before us.