Easter Saturday – Do Church – Love for God’s Word
The message today will be different than the usual Easter Message. I believe it is a powerful word for the world in which we live today. Jesus lives in us and He wants us to love His word.
Most of know Billy Graham, who preached the gospel to more people in person to more people than anyone else in history. In 1949, just before he preached, he had a moment of crisis, asking himself if the Bible is really the inspired Word of God. He said to himself that if he couldn’t trust the bible, he could not go on being a preacher. After much prayer and questioning the bible, he decided to tell the Lord that he would trust the bible by faith and not on intellect. For the next 58 years every time he preached, he had a giant screen behind him saying that, “The Bible Says…” Tonight’s sermon is a powerful Easter sermon, since believing the bible Graham was saying that he was speaking the heart of God. The Word of God is revealing the Heart of God. Matthew 12:34 says “Out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks”. Why is it important to read the bible today, because people are trying to muddy things such as morality, sexual identity and especially sin. People are saying that the bible was written a long time ago and doesn’t work for today. We CANNOT muddy what God has made clear in His Word.
The Bible is not like a newspaper which changes every day, but the Word never changes. This is an Easter message because Jesus doesn’t change! Psalm 119: 89-91, 160 “Your Word is eternal… All Your Words are true and eternal”. God wants to plant His eternal Word into your heart tonight. Malachi 3: 18, this is a prophecy. Malachi was talking about people who were able to discern between right and wrong. Many youngsters in America are searching for the truth because they hear that truth is here and there, but Malachi says “You will be able to distinguish between right and wrong”. God is doing a new thing especially among the youth – making them bolder and braver, standing for the truth.
Even though Soren Kierkegaard, was a very liberal theologian, he says that the Bible is easy to understand and we have to follow what it says, once we understand it. The Bible is there to make us like Jesus and to make us His Word unto the world.
Hebrews 4: 12, “The Word of God is alive…” Jude 1: 3-4, “Fight for the faith…” He wrote 2000 years ago, imagine today how wicked people are slipping in, through the side door. Things like there is no hell, God is love and won’t send you there. The walls have come down and anybody can come in and steal. The Word of God protects the harvest, it is the wall. The walls are being destroyed more by people inside rather than outside the church. The great wall of China was built 2500 years ago and was breached 3 times, every time by bribing the guards.
Amos 8: 11-12, “The Lord declares that He will send a famine of hearing His Word…” Amos 5: 23, “I will not listen to the music of your hearts…” Songs have increased, but the Word has decreased. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He didn’t sing a song but used the Word of God (It is written…)
Revelation 19: 13, “Jesus’ name is called the Word of God…” If we lose the Word, we lose Jesus. Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected and ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father and is praying for you, so that you may live in the light, the truth.
Jesus will have the last word and we will go into eternity, either with him or not.
2 Timothy 3: 16-17. If you put the bible into practice you’ll lose anxiety, you’ll decrease your want to lie, to cheat, to steal, to hate and you’ll have symptoms of love growing, joy, peace, compassion.
The Word is our wall. The word precedes science not the other way around – that’s how powerful and true the Word is. Job way back said that the world was hung by God.
Jesus’ crucifixion is precious for all of us, He gave His life for us. Whoever believes in Him will live forever. Hallelujah!!