Core Values – Devoted to Christ
Important to always remember that the Word is what builds us up and strengthens us. The subject of our services for a while now has been “Don’t Just simply go to church, be the Church”. Praise God we have been hearing wonderful messages so far and may these messages change the way we think about things. We have spoken about communication, service, study, unity, things that we need to do as one – united, with a Godly Spirit, and to affect one another with what we do (in a good way).
The subject today is that we be a church devoted to Christ. The word “Devoted” means everything to me. It means that I give my whole life, my body and my soul for something or someone. In my marriage ceremony, Pastor Gail asked me if I would take Stavros as my husband to protect, and honor him in good times and bad. I knew at that moment, that if I said yes, I was committing to change the way of my life. I would come under a new covenant, I would no longer be alone, I would have to protect him, walk with him, in good as well as bad times. By saying “yes” I was binding myself to a new commitment and this required work. Obviously this has not always been easy. But remembering my yes, I always try my best to keep this relationship going.
For most of us (if not all of us) here today, Christ has called each one of us by name, to follow Him; we are going to sign a new covenant together, you and I. You will be my bride and I will be the Groom. But I want you to devote your lives to me. When He called us, we had to think about counting the cost of following Him. To live with Christ means we are devoted to Him. It means giving our whole selves over to Him. When He called His 12 disciples, He said come with me, don’t stay in your boats or wherever they were. The reason for calling them to Himself was to teach them something new – what life with Him meant, what was expected of them as they built the Church. This Church is you and I, devoted to her Groom, Christ. When Christ called His disciples He taught them His ways, what He wanted from them, and we see these 12 disciples filled the whole world after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven. Everything about these disciples changed, their lives, their aims, their thoughts, their values, the direction of their lives and this all happened because they were devoted to Him.
Today, to be devoted to Christ means to know Him more and more. We do this by living Him and reading His Word, which teaches us all about Him. We need to daily do the things that please Him. It was His heart for us, which took Him to the cross for our salvation. Understanding this, makes us want to be with Him every day. Reading the Word is something personal, but when we come together as a Body, something very special takes place. Everything we do becomes real. Knowing God’s Word allows us to forgive others who may hurt us. The whole reading of the Word is first towards God and then towards one another. Jesus has us close to His heart and He loves us in a very special way. He gave His life for us, and we as devoted to Him surely must resemble Christ. Even if in the beginning one doesn’t look like Christ, one will slowly slowly begin to resemble Him. We as devoted Christians together form the body of Christ, where our hands do good things, our feet will walk the walk, there where no one else goes.
Jesus says learn from Me, see how I am humble. Our hearts should beat humbly and love the unlovable, without expecting anything in return. Jesus said come to Me and then go out and tell people about Me. Our faces should shine when we talk about Christ, just because we know who He is – our Savior, the one who has liberated us from sin’s bondage. He has taken away death and given us eternal life. We have an aim to teach people about Christ and give all the glory to the Lord. By being together, iron sharpens iron – where one rubs against the other and we become the building that Christ wants us to be. We as the bride of Christ must shine, and when we will be with Him one day all things will be beautiful. People out there should say look at those followers of Christ – what is happening with them – they are so full of fire. They are together and united. What we do differently is that we offer our lives to the one and only Jesus Christ. We want our lives to be full – abundant in Christ.
Today we need to ask ourselves how devoted we are to Christ, and how much do I let my devotion show to others with deeds. When we show our devotion, what people out there will see is the glory of God, His love. He died for all, so that for those who live should no longer live for themselves but live for Him – a devoted life to Christ.