Red Letter Series – Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
The Gospel of John is known as the Gospel of the 7 Signs. The 7th sign performed by Jesus was the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead, showing us even before Jesus’ death, and resurrection, that death has been conquered by the Lord.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived in Bethany. Lazarus became ill and they sent a message to Jesus saying, “the one You love is ill”. Even though Jesus heard, he stayed 2 days longer in the place where He was. Jesus could have arrived before Lazarus died, and it could be said “I thought You loved Lazarus”. Three times Jesus is asked why didn’t You come? A little further down in Chapter 11 it says, “Jesus wept”. A reason for this might be that they doubted He loved them. Jesus tells His disciples that He was going to wake Lazarus up. Often, we ask why is there sickness in the world? If we never have trouble in our lives, there is no reason for our faith to grow.
Jesus says that He is rejoicing because the faith of His disciples will grow through this sign. The glory of the Lord is there.
Lazarus had been dead for 4 days before Jesus came. Martha came out to meet Him, saying that if You were here Lazarus wouldn’t have died. But in a half-hearted way she still believed in Him. Jesus says to her that “I AM” the Resurrection and the Life, not only in the future but right now. We should never doubt Him. Life in Him is available to us right now, if you ask Him into your life, eternal life.
Jesus showed His glory to Mary, Martha and the crowd that was there, by raising Lazarus.
Jesus is coming back in power and in glory. See the Lazarus story and see His Glory.
We should be filled with Joy even this side of heaven. We fix our eyes on Him, He gives us riches because He loves us.